As part of our social value commitment, Overbury recently visited Christ Church Primary School in Lancaster as part of the Waste Wise Kids initiative, educating pupils about waste reduction and environmental impact through interactive activities and challenges.

Our teams project at Lancaster University includes the social value commitment to Christ Church Primary School as part of the Waste Wise Kids initiative. The Waste Wise Kids initiative, run by Encore Environment, works closely with schools across the UK to teach children about the impact of waste on our environment.

Waste Wise Kids is aimed at school children aged from four to 12 years old. Children learn about the different waste types, what happens to waste after it is disposed of and pave the way to thinking about reducing, reusing, repurposing and recycling waste through presentation, activities and video.

The 75 minute session was delivered to a group of year 5 pupils (25 in the class). The pupils learnt about different types of waste, the effects on the environment and how waste can be reduced using the hierarchy waste system. The pupils activity interacted with drawing and labelling tasks, group work and challenges to understand the need to focus on waste and what we do with it. The pupils were shown examples of recycled items and presented with a challenge to build a robot from waste items in their own time. We invited the children to send us their completed projects for us to then choose a winner.

"All the children really enjoyed themselves and I thought the session was the right amount of time with great age-appropriate activities for the children to do".

Charlotte Moffatt, Lancaster Christ Church Primary School

Some great examples of the robots the children can create.