Home News Overbury environmental and sustainability manager speaks at London Design Festival

Friday, 21st October 2022

Overbury environmental and sustainability manager speaks at London Design Festival

Hulusi Mustafa, environmental and sustainability manager at Overbury, was a featured speaker at the London Design Festival.

Speaking as part of ‘The Future of Sustainable Office Design’ presentation series, Hulusi focused on how embodied carbon can be reduced in fit out projects. This series featured experts from across all stages of a building’s lifecycle, highlighting the importance of collaboration between each area of the design and construction process as well as the critical role materials and design play in creating carbon-balanced buildings.

Key points raised include:

  • The need to provide better guidance to designers on what is a 'good' kgCO2e/m2 on a product by product basis to help make decisions to reduce carbon in fit out
  • How the impact of embodied carbon in fit out will become more significant as the grid decarbonises through renewables and electrification of our buildings
  • The importance of focusing on materials that have a high recycled content as well as recyclable
  • Why designing less and taking stakeholders along the journey is key to reducing carbon

Find out more about the event and the festival here.