Home News Overbury finalist at BPIC Awards

Thursday, 5th October 2023

Overbury finalist at BPIC Awards

Overbury shortlisted as finalist in two categories at the BPIC Awards 2023: Community Project of the Year and Industry Role Model.

Community Project of the Year: Stopford House

Stopford House in Stockport is a finalist for Best Community Project of the Year. Judging criteria for this award is: Project commitment to the community, evidence of increased social value to the community, environmental impact to the community, and Health and Safety records.

Stopford House is home to Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council and the fit out was completed in April 2023. To support the council's desire to move to a hybrid working model, Overbury delivered an open plan office that features break out areas and collaborative spaces across the five floors. Stopford House has been transformed from a “liability to an asset” and is now a statement office space in the heart of Stockport.

During the project, Overbury collaborated with Stockport Race Equality Partnership to transform their community hub, The Space, into a welcoming and functional facility for ethnically diverse communities in Stockport. Overbury engaged their local supply chain and staff volunteers to completely refurbish the space, providing new decoration, a kitchen, blinds, flooring restoration, graphics, signage and furniture, with the aim of creating a long-standing positive impact for the local community all free of charge.

  • £39,400 worth of materials donated
  • 52 volunteers
  • 687 volunteering hours
  • 80% of furniture items reused from Stockport Council

View our Stopford House case study.

Industry Role Model: Giancarlo Gaglione

Giancarlo Gaglione, Overbury's Head of Innovation, is an Industry Role Model finalist. This award's judging criteria includes: mentorship provided to others, initiatives conceived and impact outside of day to day work.

Giancarlo founded the Mental Health World Cup, the UK's leading charity 5-a-side football tournament for the fight to prevent male suicide. Raising vital funds and awareness for charity Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) and other mental health community initiatives. In 2023, the tournament raised over £111,000.